SUB for Gundam F91 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Where can i download Gundam ( in this case F91 - but all kind ) subtitles in english...

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2003


What the hell is gundam F91, is that Formula 91 or whatever? What's it about?

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003

Gundam F91 is a movie set in the UC0123 which put the Federation's newest mobile suit (developed by SNRI) against the Crossbone Vanguard. The story line is pretty good and the mecha (the F91 itself) is one of the best- in fact my favourite. Just one more thing, the movie was released back in 1991 (as far as I thought, that's why it's F91 even known it has nothing to do with anything inside the Gundam world).

There is a follow up to this story, it is a series of 6 mangas called "Crossbone Gundam"- 10 years after the original F91 story!!

I got the DVD, and if you want the subtitle just email me at with "Gundam F91" in the title please (sorry, I got filters set up due to the amount of junk mail)

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003

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