avi driver

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a video cd and all the cuts are music videos in mpg format except one, which is avi. I can get all the mpgs to play, but not the avi. The person who sent me the CD said I may need to download a driver, but I can't find a site to do that. Any suggestions?

-- Jeanne Foster (jrfoster@viafamily.com), May 03, 2003


try to download mpeg editor or you can find avi driver in www.download.com

-- Pats Blurry (Blurry_21@hotmail.com), November 11, 2003.

http://www.aitech.com/support/updates.htm, try to look this one..

-- Pats Blurry (Blurry_21@hotmail.com), November 11, 2003.

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