"Underscan" problem on VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've just made my first Video CD!

I edited a video in Final Cut Pro, exported it as a Quicktime File, then brought it into Toast 5 to burn it to a VCD.

All is fine, EXCEPT, I see slight "underscan" on the top and bottom of the video when I play it back in my DVD player on my television, something I don't see when I play the movie out of my PC, to a tape deck and to my TV.

My question is: Is this underscan (slight black bars on top and bottom of screen) NORMAL for VCD, or did I need to make an adjustment somewhere along the way in order to avoid the "underscan" effect?

It's not as bad as "wide screen" effect, just very slight black bars on top and bottom of the screen.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

-- Barry Romanski (brvid@aol.com), May 02, 2003


I have just actually experienced the opposite. The original image had those little "mini widescreen" bars, but the VDC doesn't. I would only be concerned if you are losing a portion of the image... It also might have something to do with the ratio of the image. If the original image was not in the 3:4 format, the TV (or whatever) might be trying to compensate. This is the first time I have ever made a VCD, and I came here because about 10 minutes into the movie, the image begins to (what I call) flicker... It kind of looks like every 10 frames or so, the image is all pixelated... I don't know what is causing it, but it's only happening about 10 minutes into the video. The first 10 minutes or so looks fine!

-- Sean (ninhalo11@yahoo.com), September 22, 2003.

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