Blank CD read by the dvd-rom : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I bought video cds which runs perfectly in dvd players but it cannot run in my pc. My pc drive read it as blank cd I tried all type of software like power dvd jet audio but software says cant play the cd or there is no disc in the drive. All my computers are pentium 4 top of the lines computers. Please help


-- Faiq Jawed (, May 01, 2003


At the acceleration of todays blah blah blah, theres no such thing as "top of the line" but that dosnt even matter, because ive seen Pentium-S computers run VCD's

get Jiao MPEGPlayer, email me if you want it, i have it..... if not, go to the my computer on your desktop, right click it, go to properties, go to the device manager, check your dvd player and "check for changes" or something like that on the top toolbar after selecting it......

that should help, i had the same thing happen to me, and this alleviated it instantly.........

If your interested in the Jiao Mpeg player (vcd player, EXCELLENT!!!), i have it and the "crack" if it can even be called that, email me if you want it, well worth it

-- Chris Madson (, May 01, 2003.

yes, it is extraordinary...:) get it from

-- Jiao Shanwu (, December 06, 2003.

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