Where can I find hack//sign OST 1 and 2

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Where can I find the .hack//SIGN OST 1 and 2 in mp3 format?

I would prefer an http/ftp server, or someone who could AIM them over to me.

I can't use KaZaA/Direct Connect/WinMX on my school's network because they limit the downloads/uploads to like .3kb/s, so it takes like 4 hours to get just 1 song from the OST


-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003


Yeah, my school does that as well, they call it "bandwidth- shaping." Fortunately they haven't gotten their hands on IRC yet so if you don't find a website, you might try #anime-osts. Only I don't remember whether they're at aniverse or ircx or enterthegame but they definitely have lots of anime mp3s.

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

You can get a Streamload account and download these things for free. Go to www.otakusavior.com to request the files...

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

this site update their site with digimon seasons 01-04 every week, so you can eventually get all the episodes of all four seasons. The website is:


-- Anonymous, May 07, 2003

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