What type of music was played onboard the titanic?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

What type of music was played on bored the titanic?

-- Kaitlyn Bennett (kaitlynbennett10@hotmail.com), April 30, 2003


really old music

-- bob ol girl (rickmeister09@hotmail.com), April 13, 2004.

They played waltz and the such

-- Danielle Chaput (Megumisoto@aol.com), May 19, 2004.

Hi there!

The Band of the RMS Titanic played much sorts of music. Mostly waltzes, like 'Wiener Blut' (Strauss jr.), but also ragtime (and other upbeat music): 'Comic Cake Walk'(Vollstedt), 'Elite Syncopations' (Joplin). More Titanic music you can find in the White Star Line archive. I hope I answerd your question.

Greetings, Paul.

-- Paul N. J. van Munster (paul_van_munster@hotmail.com), June 15, 2004.

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