What is burning man

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

What is Burning Man and what kind of events, people attend. I am interested in finding out more about it.

-- Chris (TaylorCS78@yahoo.com), April 29, 2003


it's what society would be if someone invented a giant bullshit extractor...

-- fire elf (elf_soul@hotmail.com), September 18, 2003.

I am a computer graphics animator, part time glass blower, and ardent pinball player.

Going to burning man is like being a pinball, and being launched into a facinating new game, bouncing off new ideas and artistic themes, dropping into outholes of Unknown, contacting interesting new humaniods, and spending time camping in the beautiful desert.

No moon this year, bring your telecope!

-- Eye (mc@mcvisuals.com), July 24, 2003.

حق چار يار – خلافة الراشده – روزنامه اسلام – الجنة لاهل السنة

-- Your Full Name (Your Email Address@greenspun.com), July 06, 2003.

I sugest you vist the official site..http://www.burningman.com/

-- Mike (astrazx@excite.com), May 02, 2003.

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