Wat realli happenz in .hack//sign ?

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i dont get it wat realli happens in .hack//sign i'm so obsess with it and i dont get the endin of it wat happens 2 sora?!! is he gonan b trapped in the world??? and didn't it start all ova again cauz u hear morgana's voice in the end saying the same thing she said to Tsukasa? please sum1 tell meeh the ans imma go krazi

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003


Here's what I've been able to piece together:

Sora is in a coma, much like Tsukasa was, following Morgana's orders as that mech. Tsukasa wakes up and meets the real life Subaru. Unfortunately, nothing is said about Bear or Mimiru in the outside world.

However, I could be wrong about the Sora part as when Helba discards Net Slum, Tsukasa wakes up. You'd think that the same would happen to Sora, as he's in the same situation, but I dunno.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

The best way to find ouu is to go here: Dothack for dummies

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

Sora is NOT like what Tsukasa is. Sora has been Data Drained by Skieth and thus, he is now part of skieth's Staff. NOTE: A common mistake by ppl is that ppl think that Sora IS Skieth, which is a WRONG concept.

BTW, at the end, i think its just trying to give .hack//sign a mystery look. BTW, Intermezzo R0X!(.hack//sign Episode 27)

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

"Sora is NOT like what Tsukasa is. Sora has been Data Drained by Skieth and thus, he is now part of skieth's Staff"

Yes, this is true. In the 3rd game you free Sora, and supposedly in the fourth he joins your party.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003

ratix0, where do I get ep 27? is it like a fan-made episode, or is it actually a real episode????

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

their all right..hack games explain everything.all i learned from the show is that sora is a strong p-ker in The World,but is only a young fourth grader in the real world....

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003

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