Handling family belonging to another Church or Religion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

As more and more people in a family belong to other churches or religions or no religions at all, if that is your case, how do you deal with them on a regular basis? What kind of topics do you discuss? Do you discuss religion or do you avoid it?

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (egonzalez@srla.org), April 25, 2003


I have relatives who are apostolic. Even in my own family there are different shades of catholicism. My own family doesn't even know what I am.

-- Elpidio gonzalez (egonzalez@srla.org), April 25, 2003.

I think that we worship in our traditional or rational "styles". I am beginning to believe that our worship is the same, but our styles are different. I have been involved in different churches observing peoples' beliefs, doctrine, and behaviour over the years. Many people are unshakable even unto their dying days. I had two relatives die whom I would consider Christian Role Models. One was Catholic and the other non-Catholic. Both had their "styles" and both had the same Jesus and God. Hey, even the Church makes somethings optional.


-- rod (elreyrod@yahoo.com), April 25, 2003.

If you want to take your Catholicism to the n'th degree, it can be a problem. If you simply want to "put on Christ," humbly and simply, through the Catholic church it is quite possible to "mingle with the masses" and not get burned.

Remember Christ's teaching . . . If you wish to enter the kingdom of Heaven, you must do so as "little children." That lesson speaks to me that we must follow Christ with unfailing innocence and abandon. Willing to share our love and acceptance with all of God's creation.

-- Leon (vol@weblink2000.net), April 26, 2003.


I've encountered numerous people who "believe", yet have no earthly idea of the Bible, Doctrine, Faith, Salvation, Paradise, or what denomination they subscribe to. It seems to me that being in such a situation is worse than my own. Who is more lost or blind, the one who is leaded blindly or the one who constantly asks for evidence or justification?

Theological discussions are like strolling through mine fields. The person we discuss with must be strong enough to listen without feeling assaulted. So, usually, I avoid big thick theological discussions and resort to reading posts on this forum. It would be ideal for me to be like a child; it would be ideal for everyone who "believes".

There are people in this forum who have the answers, who have the questions, and who have inspiration.

I do discuss the Bible with fundamentalists. They sometimes give me new meanings. I do tend to read the Bible beyond fundamental perceptions though.

Catholicism is very dynamic when it comes to the Bible-interpretations. In one instance, the interpretations have universal meaning while at other times they sound quite Fundamentalist. But, what do I know. That's why I'm here.

The attacks on the Catholic Church by SOME Protestants are part of my discussions. There is much that can be learned by those attacks. Without realizing it, Protestant remarks against the Church have enabled me to learn more about the Church. I don't take anything at face value. So, I look for answers and determine the validity of those remarks. Then, I can see whose bucket holds water and whos

-- rod (elreyrod@yahoo.com), April 26, 2003.

...is leaky.

My words keep getting chopped! / / /

/ / rod / / /

-- rod (elreyrod@yahoo.com), April 26, 2003.

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