Nightwalker : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Anybody own the dvds? It's probably one of the best animes I've ever seen, but the ending was a bit rushed.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003


I've been wanting to try that series. Where did you get it from? It doesn't seem to be on Kazaa or DC.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003

I Love that show! I agree that the ending was a bit rushed and really wish the whole thing was more than six hours long. Kind of like Hellsing that way. And I hated Cain. He was cute, but I hated his guts. I really wish he would just leave Shido alone! I own the DVD's both of them.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003

You can order the DVD's online. I rented them from my local Blockbuster.

Cain Cracks me up. I love the way Shido says "Cain" in the original japanse version, it's so funny.

It seems like you had to wait forever to see Shido and Riho lying naked in a coffin though. :-P

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2003

Ah, people who hate Cain. Ah well, their preferences. And yes it is funny how Shido says Cain's name in the Japanese version. But that is how they pronounce 'Cain'. So it's not unusual for them. :) I love Cain and Shido. No, I don't like everything Cain does. As for Riho and Shido naked in the coffin, I could have done without that scene, being a ShidoXCain fanatic as many others are. I don't dislike Riho, I just don't see her and Shido fitting as a couple. They make a better sire and chylde pair.

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

I got mine from Best Buy...for 31.00 both...otherwords the whole thing...

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

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