How to convert .MPG to .MOV : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I want to convert .MPG to .MOV, because I can only write dvd's with my dad's iMac. The program I use is iDVD, and that only works with .MOV. I've tried converting it with Quicktime 6 Pro, but it only does video and not sound. Is there a way to also do sound in Quicktime? Or what other Mac compatible program can I use? Thanks!

-- IJke (, April 13, 2003


Use discreet cleaner, it is an excellent products to transform almost any video format to another format.

Discreet® cleaner™ is the industry standard for professional video encoding and the indispensable complement to Apple® Final Cut Pro®, Adobe® Premiere®, and Avid® Xpress® DV.

-- Abrams (, September 09, 2003.

And how can I do this for free?

-- Alexzan (, July 12, 2004.

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