Location of Civil War Annual Reports

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

To support my web site on Confederate railroads (www.csa-railroads.com), I'm trying to locate all the annual reports from 1860-1866 for the railroads of the Confederacy.

For the Central of Georgia and ancestors, I've got the Central's 9/1860-9/1861 and the South Western's 7/60-7/61.

I've already tried the GA Historical Society and the University of GA Library. Does anyone know of the location of any other of the reports?

-- Dave Bright (davebrt@aol.com), April 04, 2003


I have precious few annual reports from pre 1900 era that might apply to this request. Mr Robert Hanson, a Georgia author and contributor to this site from time to time has quite a collection of these reports & other documents from this era. In reply to Mr Collier's inquiry, most RRs had physicians on the payroll for their employees well into the 20th century. (Quite a few even maintained their own hospitals, including the C of GA.)In Coweta Co during the War Between the States era, the Atlanta & West Point Rail Road (formerly the Atlanta & La Grange) was the only rail line and was most probably your ancestor's employer. I too had ancestors in the war from this area...Campbell Co. (Fairburn) Good luck in your search.

-- Greg Hodges (lynnhodges@earthlink.net), December 17, 2003.

Please pardon the intrusion, but apparently you ae working in an area of onsiderable interest to me, so may I submit a question? My great grandfather, Wiley Capers Smith, MD, lifelong resident of Grantville, GA , is listed as "employed on R. R. as M. D." in the "Enrollment of Present Militia Company District No. 1137 Coweta County" dated December 1863. We would very much like to know what an MD was doing working for the railroad, and if there is any record of his employment. Is this type of information contained in your Annual Reports of Confederate Railroads? If not do you have any idea where such information can be found? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Courtland A. Collier

-- Courtland A. Collier (cacollier4@aol.com), December 16, 2003.


The Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society has copies of the Central Railroad and Banking Company annual reports for that era in our archives. (The CRR was the predecessor of the CofGa.) This includes 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1865, and 1866. There was no report issued for fiscal year 1864 because of the "proximity of Gen. Sherman's forces to Savannah.."

We don't have any South Western reports. Bob Hanson, who frequents this board, may possibly have some in his collection. If not, my only other suggestion would be to check with the Macon Public Library, or perhaps one of the university libraries in Macon.

If you'd like copies of the CRR reports, please send me your address via private e-mail.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), April 04, 2003.

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