Newspaper story that quotes Karan Keith (formerly of OK) : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

The USOF yahoo group had a link to an article from an Indiana O' Club:

The article isn't especially interesting, but it has several quotes from Karan.

Karan, of course, lost all credibility when she left OK to run for BSK. I don't think there is any way for Karan to get back in the good graces of OK after having switched clubs.

-- (, April 03, 2003


Hmm, that link tells me that I need to subscribe to something in order to read the article. Oh well.

So did Karan ever have any success under the BSK umbrella? That was a very different BSK than the one that exists now, by the way: BSK in the late 1980s was a club whose purported reason for existence was to win relays. The current BSK is a club that exists just to put on meets (the 1000-Day, in particular). Although the new BSK almost fielded a team last year (but one runner got sick and couldn't make it to the event).

-- J-J (, April 07, 2003.

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