Atlas Hoppers : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hey everyone. I was at the Savannah Prototype modeler's meet this past weekend and saw the Society had 2 CofG Atlas hoppers. I was wondering if the guy that was at the show(sorry I forgot your name!) could tell me how I could get them or where I could find some.

Thanks! Jason Castine

-- Jason Castine (, March 30, 2003



It was good to see you Saturday!

Those HO scale Atlas CofGa hoppers have just been released. The Society only has a couple remaining.

Since you're in Savannah, I would suggest that you check with Bull Street Station. If they aren't currently in stock, they probably will be shortly. Alternatively, you might also try Riverdale Station in Riverdale (just south of Atlanta). Both of these shops are owned by CGRHS members.

Allen Tuten Secretary/Treasurer

-- Allen Tuten (, March 30, 2003.

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