winmx : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

if someone can please explain to me how to use it then it'll be really graet!!

tnx ^_^

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003


Forget it, try KAZAA LITE.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003

WinMX isn't too hard to use. When you open it up for the first time create a screen name for yourself. Then hit the search tab. Type in what your looking for. MAKE SURE YOU HIT THE TAB THAT TELLS IT WHAT KIND OF MEDIA YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. If you want music hit audio; for anime episodes, movies, etc. hit video; and if you want images, even manga scans, hit pictures. Then all you have to do is hit enter and your results will pop up.

Make sure you try it at different times of the day if you don't see what you want. Eventually someone will come online that has it.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2003

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