Ranma 1/2 and some other anime

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Im also looking for Ranma 1/2 sub S4 and up, also fushigi yuugi sub 5 and up, and some other ones but these are the ones most important right now... so if anybody could be so kind as to point me into the direction to these i would be grateful. ^_~ danke!

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2003


Try the local Suncoast in your area. Or Blockbuster Video. Hope this helps.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2003

I dont have any money to buy them

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003

I have all the Fushigi Yuugi sub episodes and OAV for freeloader. About Ranma, I have several sub too.

-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003

Well I have almost a compleat Ranma 1/2 colection. I have season 1-5 dub compleat some of season 6 sub and dub all 12 OVA's and both (2) movies also dub with a lot of other Ranma stuff. If any of you are intrested in a trade let me know just e-mail me with Ranma as the subject.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003

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