Converting DVIX TO DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is it possiable to convert dvix files to dvd files so they can play in my dvd player? Would you know if there is any software for this kind of problem?

Any help would be great!!!


-- Wayne Elliott (, March 23, 2003


Can you convert DivX to VCD, SVCD or DVD? Yes. Will these discs be playable on your DVD player? Maybe. has guides on coversion and a DVD Player Compatibility List that should tell what formats your DVD player supports and it if has problems with burnable media.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 24, 2003.

look for a program called neodvd that will covert xvid,dvix,mpeg and many more to dvd and you can make your own menu's and sideshows

-- kernow (, October 27, 2003.

hi . may be u can find your answer here. formatconversionselect=DivX+to+DVD&search2=Search+

-- shah (, March 08, 2004.

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