TMPEGEnc crashes computer while : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I've been having problems with TMPEGEnc in that it constantly crashes my computer while encoding an AVI file to an MPEG file, regardless of format. I have yet to create a full complete MPEG file, and as a result, can't produce a VCD/SVCD. What's causing the program to crash, hence causing my computer to crash? Any help would be appreciated.
-- Jason C. Bemis (, March 15, 2003
Hey, check your power settings man The same thing happened to me on my laptop, it would just shut off like 7%-50% or at anytime.... like a cold shut off... All i did was lower the processor speed from full, to semi full and the power setting to performance instead of full power. It takes me like an hour more time to convert/encode, but at least it gets it done.......Hope this helps, if not, change your tmpgenc type, i downgraded cuz the newer one was giving me to many problems...... also try running MSCONFIG and shutting off everything in your startup, it will free up tons of resources and RAM
-- Chris madson (, March 15, 2003.
or you can just source range it, and pick up where you left off, then meld them into one mpeg file through the mpeg tools option under file in Tmpgenc, then just cut it in half and continue.....Good luck
-- Chris madson (, March 16, 2003.
If you have a bad frame in the source AVI, which happens all the time with DivX, if might be causing TMPGenc to have problems. You can try to find the bad frame and remove it with an AVI editor.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 17, 2003.
I agree with sackavelli i had the same problem total shut down reset the power and the cpu settings worked great ever since
-- (, March 18, 2003.