www.u3shop.com: Cheap VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I bought vcd movies from www.u3shop.com. The shipping charges only $ 2.99 and buy two get one gift. Really very cheap!!

-- Tony (tony_gen@email.com), March 11, 2003


Response to Cheap VCD

Are they? I took a quick look at their website, and their new releases section lists Men In Black II, Star Wars Episode II, Minority Report, rather than movies currently in the theaters. So from what I can tell, they're legit.

-- Russil Wvong (russilwvong@yahoo.com), March 12, 2003.

Response to Cheap VCD

u3shop.com are selling pirated movies. Piracy is amount to theft and that will not be tolerated.

Please do not support piracy because it will spoiled the market.

Thank you.

-- Ken Luther King (kenking66@yahoo.com), March 12, 2003.

I just bought a Hero VCD Movies from www.u3shop.com. It is original with a well packing. Quit fast delivery.

-- Susan Wong (sw1603@hotmail.com), March 16, 2003.

Russil: Men In Black 2 & Star Wars Ep. 2 have NOT been released on original VCDs! It is obvious to me that U3 is an illegal operation.

[Where can you check whether a particular movie has been released on VCD or not? --Russil]

-- vcd-insider (mailer@usclargo.com), May 26, 2003.

Here is a tip, they sell both legal and bootlev vcds. Packaging is the same. The legal dvds are what "in the bootleg world" calls CAT A. Production process are BOTH the same, cases and plastic shrink wrap are the same. As for covers, the bootleg cover copies are deliberately made to look a little different so those who deal in them can tell while the customer cannot tell the difference. Can you tell if for example the difference between CAT A and ORIGINAL R1 release of "Pirates of the Carribean - Curse of the Black Pearl" ? Sleeves, inserts, dvd cases, shrinkwrap is all provided. You cannot tell. Of course up-right selling a movie such as "Lord of the Rings 3" openly is obvious a pirated movie. When you talk about old movies, the manufactuers or sellers make it hard to differenciate. Once cannot also tell by looking at the price unless the person is selling an original for $5.00 then obviously those are tell tale signs it is bootleg as well. If you want the movie, just buy it !

-- Terrence W (entertainment_video@yahoo.com.sg), December 14, 2003.

Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com

-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.


Try shopping at www.buy-vcd.com. They only sell original licensed vcd movie.

-- kenny (mail_buyvcd@yahoo.com), June 22, 2004.

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