The Video CD's I make on my computer play back beautifully on a Chinese-made DVD player, but will not play back on my computer, even using the latest version of Windows Media Player. When I use the Windows Media Player and insert a VCD, select the file to be the drive in which the VCD is installed, I get a list of 4-5 different sub files. Clicking on each one of them, I can't find any that have something to start the disc playing.

Can anyone tell me how to play a VCD in a Windows Media Player? I have a 1.1 GB processor, Windows XP, and 256K memory.

-- Kerry B. Wynne (, March 10, 2003


yes open your mpegav folder and click on the avseq o1 folder that should do it

-- cb (, March 10, 2003.

download windows media player 9, it has a vcd play feature under the "play" menu at the top.

-- (-@-.-), March 11, 2003.

In answer to my own question with help from Sparky. I was not getting Windows Media Player to play my VCD's because Windows Media Player was trying to open the file with the program that created the VCD-- ULEAD. I got it to work by going into "open with" and changing the defaulted Windows setting from ULEAD to WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. Now that WMP is opening the file with WMP, it works great.

-- Kerry B. Wynne (, March 11, 2003.




If you don’t have WMP, go to the Microsoft web-site and down-load it for free. It comes with Windows XP, and perhaps with other recent Windows operating systems.

2. Insert the VCD into your CD ROM.

3. In WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER, go to file.

4. From the file menu, select which drive the file is to be found, which is the CD drive into which you have placed the VCD. (In most cases, this would probably be Drive D or Drive E.)

5. When you have selected the proper drive, you will see a file which may bear the name of the program which you used to create the VCD.Here is what my file name looks like:


6. When see the above file selected, you will see a number of folders displayed in the folder window. My folder window has the following folder names:


7. RIGHT click on the MPEGAV folder name to open it. (For some reason, with my WMP that came with Windows XP Home Edition, simply clicking on this folder doesn’t work. Doing so installs the word MPEGAV up in the window from which you are supposed to select a folder.)

You should now see AVSEQ01 or something similar in your file display window.

8. Select this file with your mouse pointer and do a RIGHT click on it.

9. From the drop-down menu that results, click on OPEN WITH.

Now you should be looking at a list of programs that you could possibly open the AVSEQ__ file with. WINDOWS has probably pre-selected the name of the program that created the file, which in my case was ULEAD. But the program you want to open this file with, if you are going to play it on your WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER, is the program you have opened up already—WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER! Select WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER and click "OK."

10. Your VCD should begin playing immediately. You will be viewing the video in a small window, and you will probably have to close the drop down menu, which may obscure part of the view as the file begins playing in a small window. Go up to VIEW on your task bar, and from the drop-down menu select FULL SCREEN. Now you can view it for the full size of your screen. To get out of full screen mode so you can access the controls of your WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER, hit the ESCAPE key.

-- Kerry B. Wynne (, March 18, 2003.

I haveto play something to start the vcd disc media playing.

-- irfan (, May 29, 2003.


just came across this Q&A after doing a search on google.

I have gone with the above but it still wont play, it is stuck on trying to open the file, and nothing happens. As said, I selected the AVSEQ01 file as suggested above.

Running the lates hard/software...

Any ideas much aprpeciated.


-- J Ganser (, July 19, 2003.

Tried the steps as well, all it says is connecting and just sits there and the cd is being read but nothing else happens. If anyone has another idea please Email Me:) T-Bone

-- TBone (, July 21, 2003.

I have windows mdeia player 9 and all of my VCDs play well but one. that CD works fine in other computers and also a standalone DVD player. in other computers, I see the MPEGSAV folder and the dat files. but on my computer I see only a lot of CDA files. when I put the VCD in my computer, it freezes for a while, the light on the CD cd drive lights up, and then Windows media player pops up and say that it can not recognize the scheme of the files on the CD. I am using Windows 98SE and a 700 mHz computer. Any help is appreciated.

-- Wesley c (, August 05, 2003.

I made a VCD with pictures from my last vacation on it. preceding the pictures there is a small video. When i play the VCD in Windows Media by changing the avesq01 to play in WMP the small video plays. But how do i acess the pictures files that are stored in the "segment" folder?

any help would be appreciated thx

-- Vishal Arora (, August 31, 2003.

Hmmm, no prolly comes to this thread anymore butttt. Ok, done all things that are said here, and more elsewere, when I open the avseq01.mpg file, WMP says "Incorrect Function"! which is odd because i dont see anyone else getting this error. soo, still cant open, still cant play. anyhelp?

-- Not You (, May 12, 2004.

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