Second Marriage Ceremony : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I recently received my annulment from the tribunal. My fiance and I are both Catholic. He was never married...I was, a civil ceremony only. We are being told that our marriage ceremony must be very walk down the aile, no music, no wedding party...simply a maid of honor and a best man. Father is allowing my children to be a part of the ceremony, and has allowed me to have my father walk me down the aile...My question is in regards to it true that I may not have any music during my ceremony?

-- Jody Lister (, March 08, 2003


Your first "marriage" was not valid, and the Church has said so. Whatever mistake you made here, you are still entitled to have a full Catholic wedding, music, wedding party and all. This priest should be happy that you are getting married in the Church, and should not be a humbug about letting you have "the frills."

-- Christina (, March 08, 2003.

I agree completely with Christina. Either you are eligible to marry or you are not. If you are not, then no wedding is possible. If you are, then you are free to have any kind of wedding you wish (obviously within established sacramental norms). The tribunal has declared you completely free to marry. Your status is exactly the same as though you had never gone through the first wedding ceremony. I don't know what Father is talking about.

-- Paul (, March 08, 2003.

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