.hack//Liminality and Dusk

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

ANyone know what's a good place for getting .hack//Liminality and .hack//dusk?

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003


get hack dusk at www.animesuki.com if you ever find the .hack//AI Buster manga novel, plz tell me. It was the very first hack story ever released, and there have been no animes based on it, and it has never been released in the US. It's about the broken man Albert and how he programmed the world and discovered Aura...

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003

Everyone is downloading Liminality from Kazaa (I have 5 people per day downloading Liminality 1-2 off me...). It shouldn't take THAT long, since A LOT of people are sharing/downloading Liminalty (though it may take some time to connect...).^^

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003

To get Hack//lininality or dusk, u could use bit torrent, but they mostly have dusk or direct connect.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2003

I've been downloading from the fserves on IRC. irc-4.aniverse.com in #anime-fury. There are queue times, but for the most part, you can find someone to send to you immediately. Email me if you have anything to trade, I've got the first three eps of Dusk on my ftp.

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2003

Well, if you're still looking for Liminality, try out http://animelast.cjb.net/ .

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2003

errr i use WinMX and got it pretty damn fast. most downloads are qured but if u know how to use the program it should get done relitivly fast.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2003

Dude......Direct Connect all the way, man. Ive found All the .hack episodes no problem just on DC. All you have to do is find a decent anime hub and your set. DC Rocks.......if DC is just toooo much for you to handle, then your best bet would be Kazaa Lite ( not the faggot kazaa that you have to pay for and has shitty security) it can take a little longer but its less confusing to some.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003

Hey guys. I was just wondering if you guys could help me find some .hack//dusk and .hack//liminality stuff. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003

DC Blows id rather not give personal information to people i dont know on a program like dc. dc is in no way private and works the same as napster witch is now illegal with makes dc illegal. WinMX is so much better because Kazaalite fucks up alot of stuff on your network if u have one. winmx works very nice in the bg of ur comp.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003

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