How to cut avi vcd in half : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Yes recently been making own VCDS by downloading legal concerts like beatles. I downloaded a movie its an avi file. I have nero software. But after it finished the encoding it says please put in diffrent cd theres not enough room. My cds are 700 mb and 80 minutes only. What do I do to split a movie in to 2 tracks so I can fit it on CD and if I can split how do I do it.

thank you

-- Justin (, March 06, 2003


Use tmpgenc to convert to mpeg1-vcd then use it's tools to cut the file in half or whatever then burn with nero, as simple as that....

-- Daniel (, March 08, 2003.

avi splitter does it in 5 minutes, than you can burn your movie cd easily. no sound loss or anything. i'm very satisfied with the results. soft at

-- levi (, May 06, 2003.

Check this program it's a shareware

-- EsTeRioMaNiA (, December 07, 2003.

This is not any help, but i would just like to say thanks alot! that program helped me out BIG TIME! love you guys :D

Once again, thank you VERY much!

-- Harald (, January 05, 2004.

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