special request

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread

To whom it may concern.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you in order to solve a very personal problem. You may well be surprised of this letter but you seem to be my last hope of finfing a missing person, since the inquiry undertaken by the French police has failed.

It is a missing relative I have been looking for for many years. Her name is Dô Thi Qui, born in Phu Cuong, Vietnam, on June 14th 1946. She is my mother. My parents separated when I was just a baby. Later my father won the entire custody of his children and took us abroad. We lost track of her then. For some reason, I believe she might be in the U.S. now.

Now, I am grown up and I consider it my right to know my family and my roots. So I would be very very happy if you could let me know of any means, any way I could find her.

Thank you.


-- Ms Kouyaté (mai.aminata@wanadoo.fr), March 01, 2003


If you think this person might be in the US. And you think the information on her is accurate. I suggest you contact the Public Records Office of the US government.

Also this web page may be of some help to you: http://www.pro.gov.uk/research/leaflets/tracingmissingpersons.htm

Good luck in your search.

-- Pascal (pascal01@canada.com), April 14, 2003.

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