ATI Wonder TV Card and Audio capture problems : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have an ATI Wonder TV card and a Soundblaster Audigy sound card.During the recording session all appears well with both video and sound. When playing back a recorded video, after fooling with various input choices during recording, I can get some audio, but it "stutters" (every 2 to 3 seconds it breaks and stops while video seems to continue choppy). Same problem occurs if I am playing back arecorded TV show. Obviously this is not a case of the "Mute" button being on, or the correct input not being selected. Live TV and Live VCR playback is fine. All cable connections are correct. All settings in "record" and "playback" appear correct. I have chosen Line-in as a record option with no luck, as well as all other inputs. Any ideas???

-- Dave Zachau (, February 28, 2003


I have the chaper TV tuner from ATI and the only reason that youmight be having this problem is if you havent defragmented your hard drive. Go to the start menu and choose accessories then disk defragmenter. This will take a long time if you haven't done it and it will also take long if you have a big hard drive.

One more thing that can help is this: under Systemproperties\PerformanceTAB\Removable disk... make sure to disbable "enable write-behin caching" (for win 98). FOr WinXP it's slightly different.. Systemproperies\hardware\Device Manager\harddrive-properties, make sure it's also disabled. Hope this helps if you haven't already done it. Daniel

-- Daniel (, March 01, 2003.

I have some questions about the tuner card and video captures: besides the TV tuner card, such as you mentioned ATI VE, what kind of hardware and software do I need? I have a PII-333 256M ram, with cdrw, and I just want to convert vhs to vcd. Can I do this with my PC?

Thanks in advance.

-- David (, March 02, 2003.

This is for David. Your PC is OK for VCD work, but nothing else. ATI's various cards come with the software and hardware you need to capture video in VCD format, but they don't come with an editor. There are various editors out there you can use. MPEGVCR is $50 from They also make MPEG2VCR which can edit MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video and costs $249. If you ever want to make SVCDs you will have to get a more powerful PC.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 03, 2003.

Thank you very much for your information.

By the way, do you think if Ulead VideoStudio 6 SE Basic is good for editing.

Thanks in advance.

-- David (, March 03, 2003.

Hello Everyone, I have ATI 7500 all-in-wonder. This hardware came with Ulead 6. When I capture from VCR, during capturing process I head the sound, but when I playback sound is gone. I don't know why? Help........ Thanks,

-- Sten (, March 07, 2005.

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