Does VCD degrade with time? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've noticed that if i keep VCD mpegs on my harddrive for a few days they degrade in quality. I've left some for weeks and they turn into blocky videos. Is it because the drive cant hold initial quality for long on low bit rate quality video?? because other higher bit rate episodes don't change at all. my drive is a 10 gig 5400rpm drive but i don't think it should matter. Daniel thanks dudes!

-- Daniel (, February 24, 2003


I'm having a lot of trouble believing this is a serious question, but just in case it is ... No, VCD on your harddrive will not degrade over time. It's impossible. Now if you burned it to CD-R, your CD-R could degrade over time. If your hard disk is going bad, I suppose that could cause you some problems, but VCD is a digital format and unless you mess with it, it won't change.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 25, 2003.

No I wasn't joking. This is a crazy "phenomenon ". But it only happens on cartoon video i really havent seen any other real life clips degrade on my drive. For me it's like a race against time. What I usually do is after my clips are in VCD format, i race to burn them into vcd to preserve the quality. BUT JUST to make sure it's not in my head, i'll test this deliberately and post reults. Dan

-- Daniel (, February 25, 2003.

no, haven't seen anything like this, don't know why it would occur. coincidentally just moved an animated short onto cd-r just last night, after it had been on the hard drive for 3-4 months. no degradation at all.

-- jim thompson (, September 22, 2003.

could be some copy protection algorithem designed to do that.

-- village idio-te (, December 29, 2004.

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