Where to find .hack//sign episodes and the 1st inuyasha moviee

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Is there a website out there with .hack//sign episodes and the 1st inuyasha movies? Don't tell me kazza or kazaa light or winmx or any other p2g program...my computer is just too dang slow to download that way. or if you could send to my e-mail or my freeloader account: wolfgirl2003

thanx in advance to any that help

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003


for hack sign episodes you could try some bit torrent links, but i think they got rid of all of them and went on to only share hack sign udeden, but im not sure. You have to check. plus they are only up for a some time till there put off then the only place to get them is through DC. which is better than kazza but still is a p2p program. If you really think about it so is bit torrent, but it is more "stable?". I wouldnt really know. (This probably didnt help much but hey i tried)

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003

you can only find .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet on bittorrent (http://www.animesuki.com). For Hack Sign, I recommend searching eDonkey (http://www.sharereactor.com), which is much better than kazaa. You can probably find the Inuyasha movies (yes, there are two of them now!) there also. Unfortunately, P2P programs are pretty much the only place you can find these... I don't have a streamload freeloader account otherwise I'd send them to you :)

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2003

hey dog, I could help you on Inunyasha, the other thing I never heard of (I did, just never like, watched it or took interest in it) I have a FTP site, it has the following INU eps 01-44,54,60,91,92,94,95,97 and the 1st INU movie my FTP site has almost 22GB of animes (it has more than just INU) you could AIM me (ViDIoGAmeFreaK12) or ICQ (210089138) c ya

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2003

I have all 100 Inuyasha subtitled episodes and 101, 102 which has not yet been translated. Ep 103 only airs in Japan today, so I should have it by tomorrow or the next day. I also have the first movie (the 2nd hasn't made it over here yet). I use WinMX, a slow p2p, but a good place to find that hard to find stuff. Don't worry about having a slow connection, I stay connected 24/7 and I don't fault uploaders for having narrow band.

My username on WinMX is bazoo42.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2003

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