Cinema Craft encoding large movie problem : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am using CCE SP 2.50.01 to encode a 3hr movie into SVCD format with 3pass VBR. Everytime CCE hangs at 66%, right before it completes the 2nd pass. This is under Win XP. CCE task CPU usage is 99% with no progress.

I have a P4 with 256 DDR2100 memory.

Anybody seen this problem before? Any solutions?



-- Susan P. Hansen (, February 22, 2003


sorry you have a cache over flow problem not enuff base cache on on the mother board the cpu is bottle necked by low cache flow your only hope is to upgrade the main board to 512 cache your cpu is too fast for your board more ram would help alot like tow sticks of 512ddr2 and give that 256 to your DAD!

-- NAUSHER (, April 13, 2003.

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