Philips Curve : LUSENET : Economic History (and Related Observations) : One Thread

Did the Philips curve imply that it can be used to guide macroeconomic policy? Would economic policy be sucessful both in short-run and long-run?

-- Yangyang Li (, February 22, 2003


Please, i want to detail aboutthe philips curve.

-- Ganesht Thapa (, May 15, 2003.

yes it is used to guide macroeconomic policy and the policy be sucessful both in short-run and long-run.

-- Ganesh Thapa (, May 15, 2003.

No it can't be use as a guide because because it describes the opposite,how can increase in wage bring unepmloyement down infact in most of the countries especially developing wage has risen but unemployement has risen more than it

-- shahzaibsheikh (, June 26, 2004.

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