Know how to convert PowerPoint (pps) to Flash (swf)? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm trying to find a program that easily converts a PowerPoint presentation (.pps) to Flash format (.swf). Do you know of a software available?
-- Don Tennison (, February 10, 2003
In PowerPoint, you can export your presentation to a picture sequence, then import the piture files into Flash's timeline. Finally, export the timeline as Shockwave Flash File (SWF).
-- BoA From Korea (, February 14, 2003.
Hi,The method mentioned earlier is time taking and there are plenty software available on the net, to convert .PPT file to .SWF.
You may try following one, and find many more on the net.
Good Luck
-- Nitin Kulkarni (, February 17, 2003.
Use OpenOffice. In their 1.1 beta there is a direct export to SWF. Open your powerpoint ppt, and then say export, select the format as SWF and you are done.BTW you can also export to PDF.
-- Deepak Kumar (, May 26, 2003.
try these websites for necessary
-- nazmul Hasan (, May 27, 2003.
Presentation Pro didn't work well with the PP presentations I tried, Wanadu's product is terribly expensive (its trial version converted 5 slides from 24 -- I don't know if it's a limitation of the trial or if it couldn't actually find the rest) and OpenOffice gives me an error message when I try to do the conversion. So far I've been re- creating the whole presentation in Flash.
-- Renato Jacobsen (, July 29, 2003.
Try the powerpoint to flash software from seems to be cheap and works.
-- Greg (, September 16, 2003.
try this, Neo Presentation...
-- Sujin Lee (, September 22, 2003.
You could use a program called RoboPresenter offered by Macromedia. This software places a drop down menu in PowerPoint that enable you to add narration etc prior to converting to Flash.
-- David McCain (, January 30, 2004.