VCD problems : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

first of all thanx for reading this message~ I'm having a CD which it's content bad quality VCD format file (which when i play with my VCD player, it only can hear sound with terrible unsmooth picture. So i would like to ask is there any way to repair it? thanx~~!

-- Nigel Teh (, February 10, 2003


Might be the fault of the CD. Check the cd's surface for scratches. Remove them with either some "scratch-removal-cream" (which you can buy from most CD shops) or get the CD physically polished.

try it on your pc, if your pc can read the file inside (using Windows Media Player, BSPlayer etc), be sure to burn a copy of the vcd asap. Your CD is probably dying, so clone it :D

Other possibility is that your VCD player is getting old... bring your vcd to a friend's place and test it out... if it works there, time to buy a new player.

-- Ray (, February 11, 2003.

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