River Street Rambler Update

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hey everyone!

I've resently heard that the loco that was the River Street Rambler is still in action. Last I heard was the it was hit on the side at a grade crossing hard enough to knock it off its trucks. It was put back on and is, I believe, doing switching some place in the midwest. I hope this is true. I don't think its still in its Rambler paint but its number may still be 1733(which is the year Savannah, GA was founded). If anyone has pics of it, I'd like to see them.

Later, Jason

-- Jason Castine (MultivortexF5@hotmail.com), February 08, 2003


Correction: The SW-1500 that was sold to Manufacturer's Railway was the third River St. Rambler. The first Rambler, no. 1733, an SW-9 and originally SR 1142X, was retired 06/01/77. The second Rambler, 1733:2, was an SW-1500 and originally SR 2311X. This locomotive was so much trouble that NS removed it from Savannah and replaced it with NS SW-1500 no. 2312, which was then repainted into the Rambler colors, but was not renumbered 1733 as the two previous Ramblers.

-- Bob Harpe (RobertHarpe@aol.com), February 09, 2003.

The 1st River Street Rambler, an ex-CofGA SW9 was scrapped. The 2nd RSR, a SW1500 was sold to Manufacturers Railway in St. Louis. I don't know whether it has been repainted. But, if/when it is, it will trade one attractive scheme for another - MRS paints their diesels in a green/white/gold scheme similar to the old Southern green/aluminum scheme.

-- Frank Greene (fgreen01@midsouth.rr.com), February 09, 2003.

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