Inuyahsa Episodes ALL OF THEM please : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I need Inuyahsa Episodes and need them NOW please any one who can help me i will forever be in your debt. :) p.s. email me if you can help me and if you want to just chat (14,m,1988) ;)

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2003


All 96 and the movie?

If you have a fast connection, go and download KaZaa and then download them from me (death_tap@kazaa) and you will get them fairly fast.

I don't have all 96, but I do have 1-65. I'm working on the rest.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2003

well if you don't want to wait untill adult swim has them go to suncoast or on line at and look at the movies and they will have them there.

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2003

i have all ep. 1-96 and the movie, if you sister princess and tenchi muyo gxp ep. and want to trade let me know

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2003

Well you can't get all the episodes.Because the series isn't over in Japan. Sorry !!!!

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2003

Right now I'm watching episode 79 and downloading ep 98. Just how many episodes are there? Anybody knows?

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2003

Can anyone send inuyasha episodes 40 onwards? my freeload acct is lynae07. THanks!

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2003

I have EVERY episode that has aired in Japan to date which is up to 101. Eps 100 & 101 are currently not subbed yet. I have ep 001 through 099 subtitled. I have two different subs of the first movie (the second movie hasn't made it over here yet). And I have 30 (of 35) of the dubbed Cartoon Network episodes.

So where am I? I am on WinMX, user name bazoo.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2003

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