Where to get Fruits Basket VCD set?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where can I find vcds of the anime Fruits Basket?

-- Benjamin (deslayerette@hotmail.com), February 07, 2003


Have you tried ebay? ebay.com I had a quick look myself and came across 38 listings world wide. Direct link: http://search- desc.ebay.com.au/search/search.dll? GetResult&query=Fruits+Basket&srchdesc=y&ebaytag1=ebayctry&ebaycurr=9 99&ebaytag1code=0&st=2&category0=11232&MoreCats=&SortProperty=MetaEnd Sort&catref=C2

-- (...@...), February 19, 2003.

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