We learn 10% of what we read

greenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I have been to workshops wehre the following quote was used: WE learn... 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear... 95% of what we teach to someone else This has been credited to Glasser. Can anyone tell me the origin? Thank you for any help.

-- JMercadante (nj1stealth@aol.com), February 04, 2003


Hey, given the way the percents add-up, I guess Yogi Berra! What do you think, William?

-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), February 06, 2003.

I have tried to locate an article that was written recently and addresses this point. I am almost sure it was written by Linda Harshman, from the WGI head office, and it came in response to several inquiries for the same information. Going on memory I am almost certain that the quote did not originate with Glasser himself although he uses it constantly.I'm afraid I cannot remember who the originator was but I have posted the question on the WGI webpage.

-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigio.ie), February 06, 2003.

The best I can find is that the quote in question: 10% Reading,20% Hearing,30%Looking,50% Hearing and Watching,70% Discussing and participating,90% Saying/Doing is to be found in the "Notebook for New Faculty, Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Texas at Austin.

-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigio.ie), March 07, 2003.

It may be helpful if you locate this article Strengthening Math Instruction Through Cooperative Learning Jerry Cummins 1994

-- TLevitt (levitts2001@aol.com), March 11, 2003.

I think I have now come across what surely must be the origin of this quote. It's in Edgar Dale 'Audio visual methods in teaching'. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1965, The Dryden Press.

-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigo.iek), March 12, 2003.

I have information that confirms the last entry in the series of answers. The William Glasser Institute also states that it comes from Edgar Dale:

Dear Mr. Kelly:

Thank you for your request.

I believe the quote you are referring to is:

"We learn 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see and hear 70% of what we say or write 90% of what we teach."

Dr. Glasser is often credited with this concept, but he simply referred to it based on his readings. He says he pretty much agrees with it, but is not the originator. After many requests like yours, we did some checking and came up with the following reference on the Internet.

Edgar Dale's "Cone of Experience" can be found in Education Media by Wiman and Mierhenry, Charles Merrill Publishers, 1969

Developed and revised by Bruce Ryland from material by Edgar Dale. See also: Fostering Critical Reflection in Adulthood, by Jack Mezirow & Associates, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990

"Dale E. (1946) The Cone of Learning. In: Donald P. Ely and Tjeered Plomp, (1966) Classic Writings on Educational Technology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited."

I hope this information helps.

Best regards,

Sue Brown

The William Glasser Institute 22024 Lassen Street, Suite 118 Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 700-8000; (818) 700-0555 fax http://www.wglasser.com

-- Kevin Kelly (kkelly@sfsu.edu), November 21, 2003.

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