Last CofG loco : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hey. I model the SCL but being from Savannah, I of course still love the CofG. I wanted to have some Southern locos in the CofG paint. I was wondering if anyone nows about when the last loco was painted into the Southern paint. Thanks, Jason

-- Jason Castine (, February 02, 2003


Jason, I'm not exactly sure which "transition" you're speaking of... but this is what I found. Central of Georgia GP7s 128 and 132 were still in blue and gray paint well past the SR takeover. This isn't absolute proof, but I have original Kodachrome slides of #128 dated Nov. 1963, and at least two shots of #132 (in blue & gray) dated Nov. 1964. These were date-stamped slide mounts, not hand-written info. Both slides came from a railfan who took lots of photos, so I don't think he left the film lying around for a year waiting to get developed. The shots of 132 also show several Central of Georgia diesels in the background already in SR black. There may have been a few green Central diesels that lasted longer, and the black switchers were among the last to be repainted. Now as to when the last Central diesel got re-lettered SOUTHERN, that's anybody's guess. I believe most of the Central units lost their CofG names in the early 1970s. The die-hard Central fans were so digusted by then, nobody bothered to notice!

-- Tom Alderman (, February 02, 2003.

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