Who do I write to for USOF rule clarification?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I'm still thinking about going to the Intercollegiates in April. I may bring a couple of people with me from KU.

I was looking over eligibility requirements for the meet (http://www.carolina-ok.org/battle_elig_intercoll.html), and would like a clarification on a rule. Discussion of the rule in question is at the end of this email.

Why I'm posting: On the eligibility page, it says, "Request for clarifications or rulings based on this criteria may be submitted to USOF Headquarters in writing 30 days prior to the championships." Well, I looked on USOF's web site and could not find a USOF HQ address to write to! Does anyone have an idea of where I'm supposed to write?


My question revolves on the following eligibility requirement for the Intercollegiate Champion Club at this meet.

"Its team shall consist of any combination of 5 men or women who each meet the following criteria."

I need a clarification becasue on the same web page where this is stated (http://www.carolina-ok.org/battle_elig_intercoll.html), the following statement appearns, in regards to eligibility to enter the meet as an Intercollegiate team.

"Shall consist of up to 5 competitors made up of any combination of men and women who meet the following criteria:"

Basically, I'd like to know if you need to have exactly (no less than of no more than) 5 people to be Intercollegiate Champion Club (that's how its written) or if you can have less than 5 (I understand that you do need at least 3).

-- Pete (gogol@ku.edu), January 31, 2003


I believe it is fine to have just 3 people to be a team. That is how it has been in the past. If you have 3, all 3 count in the scoring. If you've got 4 or 5, only the 3 best count.

You can also compete as an individual.

For clarification, you might try writing to the organizers.

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), January 31, 2003.

The most logical person to ask would be the Rules Committee chairman, Steve Shannonhouse (sshannonhouse@mindspring.com).

There is almost certainly a precedent for teams with fewer than five competitors entering (and maybe even winning).

-- J-J (jjcote@juno.com), February 03, 2003.

Last year the Intercollegiate Championship Team was from U New Hampshire and consisted of three (3) orienteers (all women -- a first at least for winning the title!). KU had a 3-person team back in the 80s and we would have won if our third member had merely finished each day with a legal time (unfortunately, he was injured).

-- Peggy (Pdickison@aol.com), February 04, 2003.

Peggy wrote:
we would h

Peggy wrote:
we would have won if our third member had merely finished each day with a legal time (unfortunately, he was injured).

Shouldn't injured have quotes around it, as in "injured"? ave won if our third member had merely finished each day with a legal time (unfortunately, he was injured).

Shouldn't injured have quotes around it, as in "injured"?

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), February 05, 2003.

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