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Praise the Lord, the forum is working properly again. Just wanna thank eveyone who has been sticking around. Mr Moderator, you were probably pulling your hair out trying to figure out what the prob was. As it turned out, the prob was with Greenspun's server.

I know this has been a bit of a hairy time, and I just want u to know I appreciate your efforts on this forum. It has been an opportunity to experience the Lord's abounding grace.

To John, Eugene, Tim, and any others that have left. I hope that you haven't left for good. I hope that you're still at least lurking about. Sometimes we say things we shouldn't say. Sometimes things don't go the way we would like. But Jesus died for us. That is the ultimate unfairness right there, yet He went willingly for us.

I don't at all mean to diminish any suffering on your parts, but I hope that you will all have the Lord's grace to forgive those who have wronged you, just as the Lord forgave us who wronged Him.

The peace, love and joy of the Lord Jesus Christ abound in your hearts always. May He saturate your whole being with His wonderful person.

-- Oliver Fischer (, January 30, 2003


Well said Oliver!

All I can add is "Amen!"


-- cksunshine (, January 30, 2003.

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