Does anyone need a lession between anime and manga? Know it already? Don't click : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Ok, first of all... let me say dis. I've seen heaps of pages not just in the forum but in any site and most of may fwends ask me what's the difference between anime and manga.

I'll start my explaination with anime. Anime is short for animation - but i'm sure ya no that already. Anime (animation) is being used or aired on ya lil black box (TV) for cartoons like DBZ, pokemon, sailor moon, etc...

Manga is on paper and sold in a newsagency. They are in comic books, newspaper and sometimes on the net.

Ok so now you know Free of charge :D *ahem* anyhow... please dont' reply if this wasn't helpful for you or you already know this. I am simply helping peeps that don't know and will help for anime.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003


you have it right in a way but you could have gone in more detail about it like manga is a comic book in fack thats what manga means comic or comic book what ever floats your boat some manga is tured in to a tape or DVD movie only if ever one wants to see it anime is in a way it is cartoons if you want to call it that animation and that means cartoon but anime is in its own level anime ya anime is shown on t.v. but some of those are not hardcore anime they are just for kids i'm not saying that all for kids some of them are pretty good like yu-gi-oh,DBZ,and sailor moon but the real anime that you should see is Lain,Dirty Pair,X the Movie and the seris or Eva

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2003

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