Making SVCD's on a Mac with OS9? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just got a DVD player and I want to make SVCD's. I have a Mac with OS9. What do I need to get started? I have Toast 5.2 but it just says VCD not SVCD option - please advise. Can I make a backup SVCD from a DVD I own?

-- Kevin (, January 23, 2003


I hate to say this, but pretty much everything people use to make SVCDs only runs on PCs. Guys with Macs rarely get help on this forum. Maybe you can do a web search and see if there is a VCD or video forum for Mac users. The SVCD forum at has had a few Mac users on it, I think. Maybe posting there would help. I have no strong feelings for or against Macs, but the sad truth is that the world of VCD and SVCD making is almost 100% PC users. You're going to find a very limited number of tools to work with as a result and you're not going to have the range of options that PC users do.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 24, 2003.

I found a great little program for OS9 users to make (VCD)& burn their pictures onto cd that will play on some dvd players (but not all).

No luck so far on SVcd.


-- clanmc (, October 10, 2003.

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