how to make smooth capture from vhs? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i m having pIII 650mhz system with pinaacle card but when i record it(captured from vhs),but when i see saved file, it does not move smoothly it geeting strucked every 2-3second....(picture paused every 2-3second) plz help me to solve this problem
-- Mangesh Sabnis (, January 23, 2003
It might be that you have not enable DMA on the hard drive.I'm having the same problem right now, video pauses every 4 sec or so. if anyone knows how to fix this write to me. i already went to the screen where you have to "check the box to enable DMA" but it's missing... Someone said that maybe my hard drive is not capable (3 yrs old) or i havent done something right. I have a faast comp 1600mhz (2000+AMD) 256ddr. pls write back. daniel
-- Daniel (, January 25, 2003.
Many things can cause video to stagger. Make sure your BIOS is setup correctly, sorry I can not give specifics. If aettings in your BIOS are set wrong it can cause problems. Using DMA can help. How big is your video capture size set to? If it is set to high, again another problem. What is the bitrate? What other programs do you have running or in memory while trying to capture? Have you defraged you hard drive lately, this can also help. I hope this helps in some way.
-- Josh (, January 29, 2003.
josh:yes i defrag the drive often. i record mpeg1 at 6bit 352x240 ntfs. i usually dont have other programs running. i think it has to do with my BIOS because i used to be able to record without these pauses before i got this new comp. deleted the drive then moved it to new system, works fine except for that. unfortunately i dont know much about BIOS -daniel
-- daniel (, January 31, 2003.