File : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hmm, Kazaa and other file swap users might want to read this news story. The story details efforts by the RIAA, but I know that the MPAA is watching as well.Any thoughts?
-- No One (, January 22, 2003
yes u and???? Piracy will live forever! Dont believe me, learn about History, i mean history in piracy, up to modern day you will realise that the common people are more inteligent than the leaders think.Argue all we will, the people will find a way, the internet helps this ten fold, unfortunately some people are sick and abuse this tool!!
-- tony spinxs (tony_spinxs76@hotmail.cim), January 22, 2003.
I'm not doubting that there will always be pirates. There were media pirates long before the internet. Current technology is only one facet of pirating.But— what do you think will happen with current peer to peer file sharing? If this court challenge is successful, do you have any ideas as to what the next mass-piracy method might be?
(coherency is a plus)
-- No One (, January 22, 2003.
Check out . Ive just done some stuff aout this for my site. Im sorry but the home page is down, but rest of the site works.
-- thegoat (, February 09, 2003.