
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I try to convert VHS to VCD. But my computer seems old: AMD-k6-2 333MHZ, 256M ram, 10G hard disk. I found ADS Instant VCD in one computer store which claimed to be able to capture analog signals. Is there any one who can tell me if my computer is good enough or not? If not, when I buy a new pc, what are more critical parts, like Video Card, CPU, etc?

Thank you for any reponse in advance.

Best regards,

-- David (davidx58@hotmail.com), January 21, 2003


Can you do it? Yes, it is possible, but your very old PC will severely limit your options here. If you seriously want to work with video, I recommend you get as fast a PC as you can with as much memory and disk space as possible. In practical terms, at least a 700 MHz CPU, 256 MB of memory (512 is better) and at least 40 GB of disk space. It is barely possible with your PC to make VCDs, but I think you will probably find the process so time consuming and frustrating on such an underpowered PC that you will wish you bought another PC.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 23, 2003.

Thank you very much for your reply and help.

Besides those requirements you mentioned, what kind of Video Card, Sound Card should I get when I buy the new pc, are they also very critical? Any suggestion would be very much appriciated.

Best regards,

-- David (davidx58@hotmail.com), January 23, 2003.

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