An A.M.E child desperately needs prayer : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Hello everyone there is a beautiful 16 year old named Tori who is in the hospital in Washington state. She has been diagnosed with cancer. Her father is an A.M.E pastor. Please pray for Tori and her entire family. I also ask that you put Tori on your church prayer chains and ask others to pray for her. I am asking that we blanket this precious child and her family with prayer. I am emailing the parents this website address. So do feel free to write your prayers also. Tori loves the Lord with all of her heart and I want her A.M.E family to know that we also love her. Thank you everyone and please spread the word.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003


Praise God! Doctors had diagnosed Tori with cancer but now say there is no cancer that a fungus has attacked her bones. Please continue to pray because we know it is God who is healing this wonderful child.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

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