how to convert cdg to mpeg or avi : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hi, i have made some videofiles. the progamm i use to make them automaticly makes it *.cdg But now i wanna burn them on a cd, making them SVCD. But the files need to be MPEG then. Avi is also fine cause i have a AVI2MPEG converter.

Can anyone help me?

Greetz and thnx for the time and space on this forum!

-- sander oni (, January 19, 2003


please could you let me know asi have the same problem.

i am not sure how to do it, i have a cdg player, i have connected the video out and audio out to my video capture card but dont know what to do next.

-- saleem kader (, January 19, 2003.

there is a little application that you can do it with. I mean it converts cdg to avi...and then as you said..avi2mpeg link to this app: CDG2AVI

-- Cyaxares (, January 22, 2003.

1) convert the cdg's to avi 2) convert the avi + cdg files to mpeg, using aare avi2mpeg or equal 3) create vcd or svcd or dvd using nero

-- jan (, January 04, 2004.

sorry, step 2 should read: convert the avi + mp3 files to mpeg and then burn to cd

-- jan (, January 04, 2004.

Can someone please tell me if there is a free software to convert mpeg avi to cdg? I have nero 5.5

-- Dee Denis (, February 12, 2004.

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