Floppy for Sony Digital Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Where can I get a replacement floppy for a Sony Mavica Digital Camera. It has Teac FD-02h Drive in it. PN 19308600-00 the camera is a Sony, MVC-FD85 Thanks for any help. Randy

-- Randy Reese (rreese6@houston.rr.com), January 17, 2003


Try Ebay. Have a good one.

-- Haywood Reed (realreed@earthlink.net), February 02, 2003.

I'm in desporate need of a Teac FD-02 3.5 floppy drive for my Sony Mavica digital camera. Part number 19308600-00 I've looked all over the web for this item and no luck. Does anyone know where I could find this drive. I'd appreicate any feedback. Please e-mail me at riverratmike@npgcable.com Thanks...

-- Michael (riverratmike@npgcable.com), August 20, 2003.

Hi, I am also having a tremendous problem to find other supplier than Sony authorized network that charge premium prices for this driver, something around US$ 120 - I heard that notebooks can have a similar floppy drive if this is true, the prices may be better

-- Makoto Shimizu (makoto_shimizu_br@yahoo.com.br), December 05, 2003.

I needed a replacement floppy drive for my Sony Mavica. The one place that I found was simply Sony. The part # is 177204611 and the price is US $82.12 (CAD $112.05). Internet site www.somy.com/accessories. Hope this helps out.

-- Nick LaBrash (bertfrog1@rogers.com), June 20, 2004.

I would think twice about fixing this camera, I am on my second floppy replacment and has gone bad. I am so disgusted with Sony and this camera, I won't buy another Sony.

-- BR Cam (Rosiecam@aol.com), July 21, 2004.

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