mp3 on vcd? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was wanting to make a cd full of mp3's for an in car dvd player, but was wondering if there was any way of creating a disc menu that would be ion screen while the music was playng (displaying track numbers etc) like on a vcd. ie, make a vcd but using mp3's instead of mpegs. Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to say it can't be done. If anyone has any other ideas or solutions please let me know.......Thanks.

-- Ian Wheeler (, January 15, 2003


There is nothing in White Book that allows the audio only (layer-2 or 3) on its own distinctly apart from the MPEG tracks so what you want can't be done. In fact there are no hard and fast rules about MP3 files in any medium that's why when you buy an MP3 player in any form there are explicit instructions as to how to record and create MP3 on the media in question (CD-ROM, CompactFlash, HDD, etc.) to provide the maximum compatibility with said player. One thing you can do therefore is to create a CD-ROM of these MP3 files, neatly arranging them in directories with themes and making full use of the ID3 tag. The latter is what the player reads to display titles and track numbers; some players support reading and displaying ID3 contents, some not. Either way most couldn't be bothered to edit these tags after ripping and encoding their beloved CDs, so there is nothing for the player to show but "Track01", "Track02", etc. Blah.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 16, 2003.

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