Where i can find INDONESIAN Movies on VCD or DVD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm searching a online store with indonesian movies on vcd or dvd, who can help me. Thanks

-- Theo (theowadaiko@hotmail.com), January 15, 2003


you can go to www.indonesianmusic.com

-- greg (gregandcici@lycos.com), February 02, 2003.

Here are my favorites:

www.maniacd.com www.disctarra.com www.cinekom.com www.organum.net

Note all of them are located in jakarta, Indonesia.

Have fun.

-- Teddy (toswari@hotmail.com), February 26, 2003.

i do have some indonesian horror movies and looking for some new ones if u hv pls email to me.im dristibutor of malay karaoke songs.i do hv collection on old and new songs.pls email to me if u hv any question.

-- mr raaj (cubeera@hotmail.com), March 19, 2003.

it's way overpriced at indonesianmusic.com is it shipping guaranteed when shipping from jakarta?

-- fran (fabgabbie@yahoo.com), October 26, 2003.

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