Sony TRV900 vs TRV950 vs VX2000e vs PD150p : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

My intention is on indie narrative filmmaking. Anyone care to talk about your experience or comparisons on these models? Thanks! My major concerns are: image quality, low light, manual focus.

I heard many times that jvc or panasonic got better deals as compare to sony (many said that 1/2 inch 3CCD panasonic has the same price as PD150, but how's the image result really?)


-- kai foong (, January 13, 2003


I own a TRV950 and have used both the TRV900 and the VX2000. I find the image quality of the 950 just as good as the VX, provided you take the time to utilize your manual features. A nice difference between the 900 and the 950 is the ablity to shoot in 16:9 without loosing resolution. I am very pleased with my current camera and would only trade it for something with 24p (but who wouldnt?)

-- matt h (, December 08, 2004.

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