greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Greetings to you all in the namme of the triune God.The General Conference 2004 will be historical in the sense that overseas districts will have for the first time in the history of AME indegenous leadership.

Already there are more names circulating of potential candidates for Episcopal Office EO Bishops than that of Connectional Ofiicers CO.

Obviously not all of them will pull through to repsective offices and their popularity varies from person to person.Will you please join me on this forum in blowing the trumpet for the MOST prefered candidates in your Episcopal District.

Grateful you provide e-mail and or web sites of your most prefered caandidates.To start the ball rolling, here is the website address of the most prefered candidate for Bishopry in the 17th Episcopal District.


Rev N Jordan Mkwanazi http://mkwanaziforbishop.org

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003


Based on his credentials, he looks like an excellent candidate.....Praise the Lord.....

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2003

Greetings in Jesus'S Name. I need some help here.I have sent about five messages announcing the candidacy of The Rev Phafane J. Mengoai, unfortunately all the messages I sent so far were incorrectly posted. the only thing shown on the window is the E mail address. may some one correct and delete all those emails posted on 01/18/03. I will highly appreciate your help. I have tried to send the webmaster Rev fisher the message but my message could not go through. Please help me resolve this problem and furnish me with information on how to enter the candidate 's info.At any rate you may visit http://www.geocities.com/pjmengoaiforbishop2004 to view and read about the candidate.Thanking you in advance.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2003

I have no problem with the candidature of Rev. N Jordan Mkwanazi. It is his right to run for or avail himself for election to the Episcopacy. But ... can you give us information as to where he is pastoring, what is he doing in / for Africa to run on a "Africa- ticket"?

The African electorate must be careful for who they will vote. It is my opinion that we should vote for candidates who live and pastor in Africa. Candidates who knows the needs, that can identify with the people of Africa and can develop a sustainable program for any Episcopal District - be it the First or the Seventeeth.

Can we have a listing of all the Africa Candidates for the Episcopacy as well as for General Officers?

God Bless You

Rev. William C Legolie, II

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003

Rev. Dimpho, Your appeal has been heard, and Rev. Menoais information has been added to the Candidate's List that I maintain, along with the link to his web site. This list is accessible from the Reedy Chapel web page as well.

Thank you for the information on this "son of the soil," and best wishes to him in his candidacy.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003

Brother Payne , thank you very much for your help. May the good Lord keep and bless you. on behalf of Rev.PJ Mengoai Pastor Of Historic Ebenezer AME attridgeville, Pretoria , South Africa. Let us continue to make people aware of humble servants of the Lord like Rev PJ mengoai and other candidates in and from Africa running for Episcopal office. God Bless you.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

Brother Payne. I visited the Candidate's list that you maintain and I found out that Rev P J Mengoai is listed unfornutanately for now his name is not highlited as a link to his website.may you please try to address the problem so that we can access his web page through the candidates list. Again thank you very much.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

My sincerest apologies to Rev. Mengoai (correct spelling now): I was so excited to see his site that after I visited it, I forgot to capture the link! :). All should be well now.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2003

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